© 2008-2025 / Phrase To Scream
2 febrero, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“It means that everyone else can fuck off because I only want you. I only wanna be wanted by you.”
Jennifer Beals como Bette Porter en The L Word (6×02)
28 julio, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“Can you imagine that? I mean, you… can you imagine that act of… looking. Looking, and seeing, and re-seeing. Just to try to get to the truth of someone.”
Jennifer Beals como Bette Porter en The L Word (1×04)
8 abril, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“What’s the important?”
Jennifer Beals como Bette Porter en The L Word (5×12)
8 marzo, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“For me, when I really search myself, it’s doesn’t feel like an affaire. For me feels like I’m coming home.”
Jennifer Beals como Bette Porter en The L Word (5×09)