© 2008-2025 / Phrase To Scream
14 junio, 2010 / 0 comentarios
“Money’s the only thing worth having, Belle. Relationships, they’re unreliable, but this… You know that.”
Cherie Lunghi como Stefanie en Secret diary of a call girl (3×05)
27 mayo, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“Some days you wake up and your head is empty. And it’s the most perfect feeling in the world. Then other days it’s like you’ve been thinking all night.”
Billie Piper como Hannah/Belle en Secret diary of a call girl (2×05)
2 marzo, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“When did sex become so complicated?”
Billie Piper como Hannah/Belle en Secret diary of a call girl (2×04)
14 febrero, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“Do you know what love is, Belle? A marketing ploy. Remember that.”
Cherie Lunghi como Stefanie en Secret diary of a call girl (2×06)
1 octubre, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“And I never been addicted to anything. Except, maybe the fourth season ‘The West Wing’, but you know…”
Billie Piper como Hannah/Belle en Secret diary of a call girl (1×01)