© 2008-2025 / Phrase To Scream
26 agosto, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“Do you think you can’t be happy without a kid?”
Jennifer Crystal como Rachel Taub en House (5×14)
2 agosto, 2009 / 0 comentarios
“That’s what happens when you have kids. Ceaseless crying and nagging leads to irrational fears. It’s impressive that you didn’t wait for the actual crying and nagging.”
Hugh Laurie como el Dr. Gregory House en House (5×06)
17 octubre, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“If I’m mean to you, you’ll be mean to me. Mutually assured destruction.”
Hugh Laurie como el Dr. Gregory House en House (2×01)
18 septiembre, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“Drugs are always a mask for something else.”
Olivia Wilde como 13 en House (4×09)
30 julio, 2008 / 0 comentarios
“If you don’t know how to lie, you don’t know how to tell when you’re being lied to.”
Hugh Laurie como el Dr. Gregory House en House (4×10)