One third of the people

27 enero, 2021 / 3 comentarios

“You know, about one third of the people in the street in New York City have a yoga mat. That alone would keep me from yoga.”

Fran Lebowitz en Pretend it’s a City (1×05)

Doesn’t keep from moving on

6 junio, 2009 / 0 comentarios

“Well, I guess I have to just accept that I’m always gonna be a little bit in love with you. And that’s okay… as long as it doesn’t keep us from moving on.”

America Ferrera como Betty Súarez en Ugly Betty (3×23)

Just gonna keep my eyes closed

3 diciembre, 2008 / 0 comentarios

“I’m just gonna keep my eyes closed because this is like that moment in the morning when you first wake up and you’re still half asleep, and everything seems… Things are possible, dreams feel true, and for that one moment between waking and sleeping, anything can be real. And then you open your eyes, and the sun hits you and… And you realize that… I’m just gonna keep my eyes closed.”

Katherine Heigl como Izzie Stevens en Grey’s Anatomy (5×09)